Refreshers for digital leads

Refreshers for digital leads are half day workshops when digital leads can come together in a peaceful setting to discuss and exchange experiences of leading Digital in their organisations.


In these sessions we use a variety of coaching and creative techniques. One example are action learning sets. Everyone has an opportunity to present their issue in 5 minutes and the group then decides one or two issues to dissected and discuss in depth. 

These in-depth discussions are useful both to the person who is looking for support (who will get new ideas on how to deal with the situation) and for people providing it (who will get to practice deep listening and coaching techniques).

The issues that work best with this format are: 
* Something work-related but affecting you personally
* Something for which you have some level of responsibility
* Something that you are able to influence

So these could be issues which are related to moving on projects that are somewhat stuck, getting a buy-in from colleagues/senior managers for a project/strategy/change you are trying to introduce, unlocking difficult relationships with colleagues, etc.


The event goes ahead if the minimum number of participants has been confirmed. Once the event is confirmed, £65 per person fee is invoiced to cover the rental of London venue, snacks and preparation.


If the event is cancelled by participant:

  • up to three weeks before the event = 100% of cost refunded

  • up to two weeks = 50% refund

  • two weeks and less before the event = no refund.

In the event that the event is cancelled by the organiser 100% of event fee will be refunded.

It’s always hugely refreshing to meet with this group and discuss common issues - even if it’s working though others’ problems, it’s a helpful time to think deeply and reflect
— Shaf

If you are unsure if the refreshers are for you or if you want to know more don’t hesitate to get in touch.

You can also or register interest for specific dates and we’ll be in touch to remind you.